Today, let’s focus on those initial, confusing days following a prostate cancer diagnosis, which many of us know all too well, but some of us are just know experiencing.
Although I was diagnosed in 2004 when the range of treatment options was more limited than it is today, I took the time to properly profile my cancer prior to choosing my course of treatment. This pre-decision stage is even more important today since there is such a wide range of choice in treatment options.
If you are a newly diagnosed man, permit yourself to take the time to properly profile your prostate cancer, examine the various treatment alternatives, and then make an informed choice based on prognosis and quality of life.
Looking back, I feel that what helped me was to take the time to build a profile of my disease and to then find the expertise that was then appropriate to treat it. In other words, I avoided the “knee-jerk, get it out now” reaction that is understandable. Instead, I met with a number of specialists to review the profile and get their insights and recommendations. I was then able to make my choice based on both survival probabilities and quality of life considerations.
Based on the profile of my cancer, I opted for ADT to first reduce tumor mass, followed by a round of EBRT, and then Brachytherapy. I was fortunate to be able to tap into the expertise at UCSF, and I owe a lifetime of gratitude to them. In addition, I developed an integrative lifestyle strategy that over the years has evolved into the XY Wellness Integrative Roadmap.
That worked for me and my profile. What is right for you depends on your profile. There is now a significant range of choice, such as surgery (Radical Prostatectomy), radiation therapy (EBRT, IMRT, 3D-CRT, Proton Therapy, or Brachytherapy), high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), and even Virus-based treatments. In other words, there is no shortage of good choices.
Your goal is to find the best match and provider for you. If you are newly diagnosed, I encourage you to seek out the best prostate cancer specialists that you can find, share your complete diagnostic information with them, and hear what they have to say. Your goal is to make an informed decision.
And never forget that you are not just a prostate! No matter what course of treatment you opt for, you will need to do the work that is needed to rebuild your overall health and quality of life. The mission of XY Wellness is to provide post-treatment men with actionable, pragmatic guidance on diet, exercise, and condition-specific supplementation. We are making a difference for those who are willing and able to follow this roadmap. It takes work, but cancer is an incredible motivator.
In closing, if you are newly diagnosed, your right course of treatment depends on the profile of your prostate cancer. I encourage you to take the time to understand what you are dealing with, and to then find a course of treatment and a provider that you feel are the best match for you. A prostate cancer diagnosis is a life-changing event, and you need to approach it as such.
In addition, also get to work on making the lifestyle changes that will support your full recovery and return to health. You will never be the same as before you were diagnosed, but with a daily commitment to living a cancer-smart lifestyle, the “new you” that emerges may turn out to be even better.
All the Best,
David Guinther, Co-found & CEO