Lift your way to higher testosterone levels
Last week, we shared some common testosterone robbers that could be dragging down your levels of this critical sex hormone—including chronic stress, lack of sleep, environmental toxins, obesity, and excessive alcohol consumption.
Today, as promised, we’re going to talk about one simple and drug-free way that you can keep your testosterone levels tip-top… and maintain your vigor and vitality, at any age.
The secret? Well, it’s really not so secret at all: We’re talking about exercise…
Resistance is key
This might seem like a no-brainer. After all, as we explained last week, obesity is a leading cause of low-testosterone, and getting regular exercise is one of the best ways to keep your weight in check.
But research suggests that its effects on your testosterone levels are independent from weight. In fact, studies show that physical activity delivers a significantly greater testosterone boost than calorie restriction alone in overweight men.
Of course, research also shows that not all forms of exercise are created equal where testosterone is concerned. And some approaches are more effective than others.
Not surprisingly, resistance training leads the pack here. Studies indicate that weight lifting is the best way to boost testosterone in both the long and short term: Training for three days a week has been shown to raise levels significantly within just four weeks.
But high intensity interval training has also shown testosterone-boosting benefits in men. (This type of workout combines short, intense bursts of activity with less intense recovery periods—a 90-second sprint, followed by 90-seconds of walking, for example.)
At the end of the day, though, any exercise is better than none at all. With one caveat…
Don’t overdo it
A combination of cardio and strength training—adding up to a few hours of moderate intensity exercise per week, with plenty of movement throughout the day—is key. But you might want to think twice about extreme endurance exercise, such as marathon training.
This type of exercise can have the opposite effect—sending stress hormones like cortisol soaring, and crushing your testosterone levels in the process.
Remember, the goal here is to reduce stress, not increase it. Work hard—but not too hard. And make sure you’re getting the rest you need to recover in between.
Until next time,
The XY Wellness Team