Valentine’s Day is No Time to be Bashful

A few years ago, while traveling Down Under, I came across an article by Bettina Arndt published in “The Australian” regarding erectile dysfunction (“ED”).


Highlights include:


  • ED affects one of every two men in their 50s, and the figures climb from there to 60% in their 60s, 70% in their 70s, and so on;


  • ED is not just a personal problem affecting a man’s intimate life, but instead is a critical health issue that men must be taught not to ignore;


  • ED is the equivalent of a lump on a woman’s breast, a “shot across the bow” suggesting a serious health problem; and


  • Research has shown the strong correlation between ED and increased risk of cardiovascular disease, heart disease, stroke, and death.


In other words, ED is a major health problem for men and is not something to be ignored or dismissed with a “bawdy quip” (to quote Ms. Arndt).


Beyond age-related ED, men who have been treated for prostate cancer via surgery, radiation or other invasive procedures run additional risk of ED due to damage to the “nerve bundles” surrounding the prostate.


If you are having any issues with your ability to achieve and maintain an erection, make an appointment with your health care practitioner to rule out these health risks. In addition, do not allow this aspect of your life to slip away. We encourage you to actively research alternatives and find something that works well for you.


To this end, we have made a significant investment in the formulation of our men’s sexual health daily supplement, and it has proven to be a popular product amongst our customers. As an alternative to or complement to a pharmaceutical based approach, you may want to check it out.


No matter what approach you take to addressing the issue, be pleased that you are taking action rather than allowing this important aspect of your life to slip away. With Valentine’s Day approaching, why not take action today?


All the Best,


David, Co-founder & CEO
